Business Sponsorships
The Wilde Lake High School Band Department offers an opportunity to support this excellent organization that enriches the lives of participating students and the entire Wilde Lake community through beautiful music and the Band Boosters Club. Fundraising is necessary to cover the costs of instrument repair, music requisitions and to build funds for replacement of band uniforms and formals.
Please contact: to submit your logo to be added to concert programs.
Thank you for your support!
Sponsorship Levels
Business Sponsorships - Higher tiers include all beneifts of lower tiers 100$ Green Sponsor - Listed on Website with link/logo
- Thanked at Marching Band Kickoff & Banquet & Band Picnic
250$ Silver Sponsor - -Blast on Social (X, Instagram, FaceBook)
- 1/4 page ad in every concert pogram & materials on sponsor table
500$ Gold Sponsor - Announced at every home Football Game (9/21, 10/4, 10/25, 10/30)
- 1/2 page add in program and announced at concerts
1000$ Platinum Sponsor - Logo on back of T-shirt - Sponsorship date dictates which shirt(s)
- Full page ad in programs
- Premier placement on website